Innovative and sustainable – this is how DORNIER (Hall 3, Stand D01) presents itself at this year‘s Techtextil in Frankfurt. The Bavarian-Swabian machine engineering company, already renowned worldwide for its versatile rapier and air-jet weaving machines, specializes more and more in machine developments for woven products meeting the highest functional standards.

The rapier weaving machine P1 PTS 4/S C, nominal width 220 cm, with a heavy filter fabric for the technical sector (c) 2013 DORNIER
Intensified development activities have not only been brought to market maturity for technical textiles for fiber composite materials. In addition to the leno weaving process (DORNIER EasyLeno®), the DORNIER Open Reed Technology (ORW) for „multiaxial“ usage has been further developed. Integrating this technology in a wide variety of applications has opened up new options in surface structures while at the same time improving functionality, e.g. for lightweight construction, in the transport and construction industries or in general protection functions.
Closed or straight fabric structures are being supplemented more and more by new, grid-type multiaxial structures and 3D Jacquard fabrics. The high performance products created in this manner can only be manufactured when all levels of the production process synchronize with highest precision.
DORNIER convinces through its experience and competence in weaving technology. This combination together with the know-how of its partners also creates an added value for customers in the sectors coating, downstream processing and manufacturing of semi-finished products.
DORNIER‘s high-precision weaving machines therefore form an important link in a complex production process.
Processing „intelligent“ yarns for function-optimized fabrics, but also for very heavy yarns, e.g. for conveyor belts, is also a DORNIER standard.
Comprehensive performance and solution offers provide the basis for stable production processes and new products. More efficient resource usage in the areas of materials and energy as well as air consumption are essential criteria in our developments.
Lindauer DORNIER welcomes all visitors in Hall 3, Stand D01